
Folders and Labels

  • Folders are exclusive.

  • Labels are inclusive.

  • #Hashtags are labels.

  • Folders form a tree which may be flat.

  • Labels can form a tree but are otherwise flat.

  • Folder path: a/b/c

  • Nested label: a.b.c

Citation Metadata

Bibliographic citations can take many forms.

Citations are most useful in a structured form (with a schema).

Citations in the bibliography or references or resources section of a textual document must be parsed in order to derive a citation graph.

Many impact statistics are derived from graph metricsa according to citation frequency (and, by implication, things like centrality).


Search engines

Research Tools


  • Zotero is similar to Mendeley.




CKAN (Comprehensive Knowledge Archive Network) is an open source web application for cataloging data written in Python.


DSpace is an open source web application for creative works and their XML metadata written in Java.

Fedora Commons

Fedora Commons (Fedora Repository, Fedora) is an open source web application for creative works and their XML metadata written in Java.


Fedora Commons (“Fedora”, “Fedora Repository”) is distinct from the Fedora Linux operating system.

Fedora Commons is a Java web application which runs in a WAR container on many operating systems.


Hydra is an open source web application frontend for Fedora Commons written in Ruby


Blacklight is an open source web application written in Ruby for providing a search interface to Solr.


Hydra is an open source web application frontend for Fedora Commons written in PHP


OAI-PMH (Open Metadata Institute Protocol for Metadata Harvesting) is an XML over HTTP standard for sharing metadata about creative works with Dublin Core (DCMI dcterms) and other schema.